A thesis in Ipesoft will help you gain experience!

Choose a topic for your thesis in Ipesoft. Under the guidance of experienced developers, you can get interesting experience in the automation environment and learn to work with SCADA applications. We have selected for you the following topics for diploma theses:


  1. Creation of animated components for the visualization of SCADA applications
    in the Ipesoft D2000 SmartWeb environment
  • Design and select graphic components suitable for the creation of technological SCADA schemes (valves, motors, containers, gauges, switches, ...)
  • Implement selected components for the Ipesoft D2000 SmartWeb - ReactJS environment so that they visually respond to changes in measured technological variables.
  • Create a visualization of the selected SCADA application using the created components.


  1. Python scripting support for the Ipesoft D2000 environment
  • Analysis of current scripting options in the Ipesoft D2000 environment
  • Suggesting a suitable way to extend the scripting capabilities with the Python language environment
  • Support implementation
  • Extending an existing application with Python scripts


  1. Creation of the WYSIWIG editor for the Ipesoft D2000 SmartWeb platform
  • Analysis of current procedures in creating UI with SmartWeb technology
  • Defining a selected group of properties supported by WYSIWIG technology
  • Implementation of WYSIWIG editor


  1. Support for higher statistical and physical functions for Ipesoft D2000 Archive and Calc
  • Analysis of the characteristics of periodic and change data in the archive
  • Finding suitable higher statistical and physical functions according to the requirements of practice (derivation, covariance, correlation, different variants of enthalpy, ...)
  • Implementation of selected functions into archiv and calc processes.
  • Verification of the correctness of the implementation by using them in selected applications


  1. Visualization of the topology of the energy network according to the status of active elements in the network
  • Analysis of the possibilities of the current implementation of the coloring of the network topology
  • Design of a set of extensions according to the requirements of practice (To the currently supported electrical network, add support for steam, water, gas, computer,... Add the possibility to define losses, attenuation, capacity, ...)
  • Implement the proposed functionality into the Topology process
  • Verify the correctness of the implementation by modeling the selected existing network at the customer in the existing application


  1. IPv6 communication protocol support in Ipesoft D2000
  • Analyze existing IPv4 support in D2000
  • Design and implementation of IPv6 support in the Kom process - communication with external devices
  • Design and implementation of IPv6 support to Kernel and other processes - Kernel communication with other processes
  • Verify the correct implementation in an existing D2000 application


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