We welcomed the students of Gymnasium Varšavská in Žilina

Before the beginning of the holidays, we were able to welcome the students of the Gymnasium Varšavská in Žilina.

The students were accompanied by our CEO Florian Kevický, who, among other things, introduced them to:

- the history of the establishment of the IT cluster, of which we are an active member,

- the area of our company's activity and that people not only with IT education, but also mathematicians, power engineers and electrical engineers will get the opportunity to work with us.

- stressed the importance of studying and gaining experience abroad, and expressed his desire that young people would return to Slovakia after gaining experience and contribute to the development of, for example, the domestic IT sector.

During the presentation, our colleague Matej Poljak also spoke and shared his experience with deciding what direction to take and told the students how he got to work at IPESOFT. He also used his time with us to write his bachelor's thesis, where he was able to connect theory with practice.

The visit was a pleasant diversion. We look forward to further meetings and cooperation with schools.

Students of Varšavská Žilina High School in IPESOFT (together with CEO Florián Kevický)
Lecture by CEO Florián Kevický and students of Varšanská Gymnasium
Our colleague Matej Poljak acquainted students with the experience in IPESOFT


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